Tuesday, April 7, 2009


raspberries is the first sound many babies make. they make it with their bum, then with their mouth. they see us smile when they do it, they do it some more... we laugh, they smile, they do it again. raspberries is the Primal Noise, from which all joy and human progress have received their significance and importance.

give someone a raspberries. if you know them really well, give 'em one on the belly- those are the best. just ask a baby.


  1. Thanks Tobiah :)

    FYI - newborns are scared by it!! :D
    I kinda forgot and while changing our new born i did a lil one on his upper belly and his eyes bugged out and he gave me the dramatic chipmunk look


  2. Dirk, you gotta get a picture of the chipmunk look- you just gotta!

  3. This made happiness happen. :)
